Saturday, August 31, 2019

How a boy life affected when raised without a father Essay

Both Wes Moore’s grew up without their fathers in their lives. Wes Moore’s father was taken away from him at an early age due to illness. His father had acute epiglottitis. Until the death of Wes Moore he had a close relationship. While The Other Wes Moore’s father choice to be absent from his child’s life. In the book we read that he tried to see The Other Wes Moore one night, drunk and pound on his mother’s door demanding to see Wes, but after not given access inside he vanished from Wes’s life. Studies show that â€Å"children with fathers at home tend to do better in school, are less prone to depression and are more successful in relationships. Children from one-parent families achieve less and get into trouble more than children from two parent families.† Both children were forced to learn a lot at a young age and in a way became the men of their households, in their father’s absences. Although because of the difference in their losses of their father’s the affects differed. The death of a parent can really damage a child. At times it can change just about everything about the child its future, its personality, its beliefs, its fears, its cravings, and how the child perceives the world itself. Death can traumatize anyone, but it is even more traumatic for a 6 year old boy. In the case of the other Wes Moore that had the father that didn’t choice not to take part in his child’s life it differs in the affects. Another study showed that 1,197 fourth-grade students were observed researchers that concluded the children that grew up without t â€Å"greater levels of aggression in boys from mother-only households than from boys in mother-father households.† This brings me to the assumption that because of The Other Wes Moore choice to go down the wrong path due to the circumstances that had been placed in his life. He was only bound to go down the wrong path because he had never had a good father figure or father in his life, while Wes Moore on the other hand had that. Wes Moore only had his father in his life for a short time period but yet a still he had his father in life while The Other Wes Moore never did. â€Å"Statistics have been quoted that the percentage of father absence homes is  as high as 60%. However, these statistics do not reflect the number of fathers who are physically present in the homes but maybe emotionally, psychologically or spiritually absent.† Which show’s me that there are a lot of young men in the world being raised with a father, and I am certain all of them are not in prison either. Though the author in â€Å"The Other Wes Moore† believes that he is â€Å"lucky†, one would not refer to his accomplishments as luck. Both Wes Moore’s’ were given various chances, to go to school, continue on with their education, and get a job to support their families. Although their stories were very similar by not having their fathers in their lives, or good males figure to guide them and raise them to be â€Å"men† they choice different paths in life. I believe that life is all about the choices you make for yourself. Regardless of who is there to guide you. Yes, it may be harder to grow up fast and lead yourself down the right path. But all is possible; so luck really did not have much of a part to in the author’s life. Wes Moore (the author) choice to make chances in his life for the better, he wanted better for himself and fought for it; while The Other Wes Moore didn’t. In some situations you are given many chances, others you are only given one. I feel as if smart, thought out decisions are more beneficial for me than fast decision where I haven’t thought about the repercussions for my action. Therefore, I believe if I were in either of the Wes Moore’s places I would have looked at life and made the decision the author made rather than The Other Wes Moore. In life we are given more than just luck, but an opportunity, a chance to be better and do better each and every day. It is up to one to take those chances. In their situations, it was obvious that they were looking for more than just â€Å"luck† at the time, school was not at the top of their to do list, working day and night at a job getting paid minimum wage wasn’t either. What’s amazing about this story is their lives could have easily been the same, both successful men with stories to share with the world, together. Or both behind bars for the rest of their lives, perhaps even cell mates with it being ironic of them both having the same first and last name as well as them heading down the same path at such a young age. Simply knowing the right from the wrong, even when times are hard. To make the right decision and take the right opportunity. Works Cited â€Å"Statistics of a Fatherless America.† Photius Coutsoukis, Copyright  © 1995-2002. Web. Revised 20-Jul-02. . N. Vaden-Kierman, N. Ialongo, J. Pearson, and S. Kellam, â€Å"Household Family Structure and Children’s Aggressive Behavior: A Longitudinal Study of Urban Elementary School Children,† _Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology_ 23, no. 5 (1995). _One Parent Families and Their Children: The School’s Most Significant Minority,_ conducted by The Consortium for the Study of School Needs of Children from One Parent Families, co sponsored by the National Association of Elementary School Principals and the Institute for Development of Educational Activities, a division of the Charles F. Kettering Foundation, Arlington, VA., 1980

Friday, August 30, 2019

Cognitive Development Essay

Social cognition is dealing with thoughts and beliefs about the social world. Social cognition allows the focus about oneself and people. Some aspect examples are thoughts, desires, and emotions. Social-cognitive development understanding can be a positive achievement for a child in child development. Social cognitive development allows a child to explore and figure out how things work. Jean Piaget had thoughts about how development is a â€Å"general process† and it allows children to have way of thinking that is useful bout the development of social cognition. Piaget suggested that during infancy, reality begins primarily at the start of the child and his or her actions actions and the outside environment. From this starting point, development proceeds both inward, allowing children to gain a better understanding of themselves, and outward, allowing them to gain a better understanding of the broader world. (Siegler, 2005) Social cognitive development is view in a way that children do not learn from influences of the environment but can often learn and use behavior due to their own personal thoughts, motivation, feelings and actions. While observing children, something to think about are consequences and examples of setting performance goals. This can be a great way to set up boundaries for children. Also these are just a few example of how social cognitive theory function. This theory can also be split up into three different but equally valid components: observational learning, self-efficacy and self- regulation. (Wood, 1989) â€Å"Observational learning is the process of learning through observing, imitating and reflecting from the behavior of others. In most cases, observational learning occurs when someone examines the actions of another and reflects upon the other and their consequences† (Ngai, 2007). Depending on the type of consequence in the action that was performed, the child that is observing can imitate that behavior. The child observing can perform the behavior in a positive or negative way. Observational learning can be seen as reinforcement but it is self-reinforcement that the child can perform. An example is a group of 4 and 5 year olds are experimenting in the dramatic play area and another child comes along to interact with the group that had been watching their interactions from afar. That child is most likely to follow their ways and choices because he has observed it. In second component of social cognitive theory is self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is the belief that a child is capable to perform task successfully and complete the task as well. Self-efficacy in a child’s view can take place and their actions can be affected by past experiences or from prior knowledge they have gained. Self-efficacy is not a strong trait component but is affected by experiences and past successes while performing the specific task. â€Å"Self- efficacy is also influenced by perceiving others performing the task, verbal persuasion, encouragement and one’s physical and/or mental state† (Wood, 1989) . An example is a child that sets a goal for them to achieve and they reach that goal. They then have that self- fulfillment. There can be a down side and the low self- esteem can come in if a child does not reach the goal intended. The last component of the social cognitive theory is self-regulation. Self- Regulation is to apply the learning principles and adjusting to the behavior that was learned. Self- regulation involves two things. Observation and then actions should be compared. When a child meets the behavior intended or if the behavior is exceeded then they can feel this self-reward fulfillment. It is a way to manage one’s own behavior with little external influences. An example of self- regulation is the dos and don’ts for a child. For a child, the ‘dos’ include doing things or finishing things they really do not want to do. ‘Don’ts’ include stopping themself from doing something they want to do. Children deal with ‘dos’ and ‘don’ts’ in very different ways. (Wood, 1989) Piaget stated that young children and their way of thinking are characterized by egocentrism. He also stated that children can have difficulty in separating their own perspective from that of what they observe from others. Preschool children can often conclude that the way that other children or people think or feel or wish exactly what they do, which is common in their social-cognitive understanding. â€Å"Subsequent research has demonstrated that Piaget somewhat underestimated young children’s perspective-taking abilities. His work did identify a central challenge in any social-cognitive activity which is separating one’s own viewpoint from that of others† (Ngai, 2007). When it comes to young children, there are two important tasks they are capable of facing. One is learning how to communicate. Children can have a hard time expressing how they feel or what they want. Sometimes children express how they feel only through their emotions instead of using their words. The next hard thing children are capable of facing is learning how to think about themselves and the social world around them. Children can be one sided and only want what they want and not think about any consequence that can occur in the environment around them. The more that they communicate in language the better their social cognition can develop and grow. This also allows for more peer and social interactions. A goal for early child development that continues to grow and that is important is that children are continuing to develop and are able to role play with other children and subconsciously they are actively constructing their own knowledge. In social learning theory, behavior can be explained in a three-ways. The first theory is called dynamic theory. This is when influences in the environment, personal factors and behavior that is performed will continue to interact. Something basic in the social learning theory is that children learn from their experiences and they also learn from their observations and actions of the other children or people around them. â€Å"Like Piaget, in the 1970s, Albert Bandura published a comprehensive framework for understanding human behavior, based on a cognitive formulation which he named the social cognitive theory† (Valkenburg, 2004). Children that have special needs or cognitive impairment should be able to have the same privileges as children that do not have any special needs. They can be successful in school and live normal fulfilling lives. They may just need a bit of individual help in learning new things. Children with special needs or cognitive impairment may need extra time, things repeated to them and the right kind of modeling behavior to help them learn the skills they need to know to live a normal fulfilling life. Practice can help them master these skills that may seem simple but are difficult to those children. Skills that may seem simple and easy to people without disabilities can be done with people with cognitive impairment. Skills such as learning appropriate hygiene, how to be safe and how to use manners are made possible. Encouragement should be promoted to these children that have a social impairment because independence can be learned, they can have progress in their development and they are learning new skills. Keep in mind that patience is required and any extra time needed. The same things can apply to the children that have special needs but their scenarios will be a little different because we will not know specific kind of need needs to be addressed. Children that have special needs can gain the same credibility. It is best if educators and parents collaborate to help children with cognitive impairment. Children with learning disabilities may experience difficulties encoding and interpreting social cues. They may be less competent than non-disabled students in understanding and interpreting social cues. Children with learning disabilities may also experience difficulty with development process of social cognition, wherein the variety of solutions proposed by these children is less than that of their normative comparison peers. â€Å"For instance, in studies involving roleplaying measures of social problem-solving skills, children and adolescents with learning disabilities may experience more difficulty with generating alternative solutions to hypothetical social situations than their peers without learning disabilities (Tur-Kaspa, 2002). Toro, Weissberg, Guare, and Liebenstein (1990) obtained a similar finding when they compared the social problem solving skills of children with learning disabilities to non-learning disabled peers† (Ngai, 2007). When simple tasks are broken down into steps that may seem more simple, this will children that have a social impairment learn easier. An example is something as simple as getting dressed. If steps are explained to the child like first put your shirt on, button it, put you pants on and then put on your belt. When the belt is on, then it is time for socks and shoes. These repeating steps can be demonstrated verbally and physically to help the child with the social impairment learn the skill. It is encouraged to give positive praise and support for the child as well. Always give positive praise from any attempt. â€Å"This process, referred to as task analysis, can be used to teach proper hygiene techniques, household chores, or any other skills† (Ngai, 2007). Parents can also be a part of the support process. Parents can stay involved in their child’s academic learning. Parents should be knowledgeable about stuff that goes on I the classroom and try to find activities or different ways to reinforce learning at home. If a child is learning new shapes or colors, parents can take their child on a walk and point out different shapes to ask the child if they know what it is. The same activity can apply with colors. Working together with the child ad being on the same page as the educator can benefit the child greatly. (Ngai, 2007) â€Å"Social activities in the community can serve as a valuable learning tool as well. Children with cognitive impairment can model the behavior of their peers, improve social skills, experience new and different settings and most importantly, have fun. To support the child’s success, family members and the professionals providing services to the child should work together to understand the child’s strengths, weaknesses, and interests† (Ngai, 2007). This is called collaboration, which any school should be responsible for doing with all families and communities. The down fall for my chosen theory can be how much society are changing and the ups and downs to it. In today’s world many negative issues are arising and no matter how much we shield our children they still can learn from their environment. Some children are exposed to too much violence, drugs and negativity that they may carry that with them to a school setting. When they do, this is brought on other children that may not know about these things and now they are finding out about it because of that one child that has been exposed to it. Things that used to be innocent such as cartoons, Disney movies, toys, dolls, and music are all being contaminated by selfish people in the society today. Things are also so fast paced where everything seems to be rushed. Parents do not have the time for their children that should be dedicated to them. An example is during homework help. If a parent is in a rush to get something else done and are trying to help their child out with homework, that parent is more likely to give their child the answers the allowing their child to use and develop their social cognition. Another issue I feel that may arise is the lack of support from educators. Along with an increase in teachers comes growing classrooms. Children are already lacking that one on one support from their educators. People are having more and more children which means our nation is growing in population. Children will suffer more because they will have a lack of material and less teacher interaction time. Where I currently work, the director accepts more and more children because she is so interested in gaining more money. In this change, the children are hurting socially emotionally because they are transitioning into older classrooms at a younger age and are forced to mature much more quickly. Like Piaget’s theory and model he broke down different stages as to how children change and the way they think during that stage. In some of the stages there are large age gaps where children should have the time to develop appropriately. If the population continues to rise and children are forced to mature much faster than they should, than the question is are they going to be socially ready t advance to their next level in school and will their social cognition be where it should be considering there are no disabilities of any kind?

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Essay 2 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

2 - Essay Example The government needs to take a number of drastic steps in the coming years in order to reduce our dependence on hydrocarbons, plus change the culture of America to make it generally more green. Only then will we turn back the clock on our environmental problems. So what is to be done about this serious problem? We need governments around the world to develop policies that when implemented will slow down or stop climate change. The best policy for all of this comes in two complementary forms. The first requires us to reduce our dependence on oil. The second involves a cap and trade system to reduce emissions from harming our atmosphere. I will begin by explaining the first aspect of this policy. Americans consume huge quantities of gasoline and oil every year. They drive big cars and they consume many products that are made with petroleum products. In normal times none of this would be a problem. But with so much evidence suggesting that carbon dioxide from the burning of carbon fuels is causing the temperature of the globe to rise dramatically, something must be done. Already we can see this policy moving forward. Car companies are producing more and more fuel-efficient vehicles and many say an electric car is right around the corner. Another positive aspect is that with the Great Recession in the last few years, one of America’s largest car companies, General Motors, was largely taken over by the government. Hopefully that will mean that they will have more say in what kind of products the company makes and that they will push green technology. The government plainly needs to invest much more in this kind of thing if it hopes to stave off of the worst of climate change. It is very nice to hear that although electric cars are not yet available, many international car companies are heavily promoting what they call green cars. If these promises can be realized and American consumers

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Ethics of disaster planning and response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ethics of disaster planning and response - Essay Example This will ensure that the solutions and decisions are culturally acceptable (Schroeder, 1997). I had not considered the fact that offering donation and aid when a disaster strikes brought about value competition and complications. The assumption was that there were no conditions in offering aid but it was strictly an altruistic act on the part of the donors which means they wanted nothing in return and thereby abiding to the values and culture of the locals they have offered to support but according to Schroeder (1997), there are usually conflicting national public policy and standards of justice when responding to disasters. The western countries which come to assist the locals with disaster response come with their values and standard of justice which they use as a condition to offer aid which the locals claim is not fair. They insist that the diverse opinions of both the donors and recipients of the donation that have experienced the disaster must be taken into consideration before making any final decisions. Schroeder, K. (1997). Disaster Declaration and Response. In Jenson, E. Disaster Management Ethics (pg. 57-66). Retrieved from:

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The varied carol i hear Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The varied carol i hear - Essay Example â€Å"The geese gently set Skywoman on the earth and she opened her hands to let the seeds fall on the soil. From the seeds grew the trees and grass, and life on Earth had begun.† (Iroquois Creation Story). Where better to begin this journey through the history of literature than at the onset. The Creation Story of the Iroquois was the first story ever told. It is the story of how the Iroquois believe their world, Turtle Island, came to be. The reason this myth carries such significance is because it explains the world view or basic outlook of the Iroquoian people in the 17th century. And while we view this story as â€Å"myth,† the Iroquoian people truly believe in its authenticity and this belief gives it great force in their lives. ( When the European colonists arrived in America, the indigenous Native Americans spoke hundreds of distinct languages, engaged in many different religious practices, and structured their cultures in extraordinarily diverse economic and political forms. And unlike the Europeans, the majority did not use a formal alphabet. It was not until the early 19th century that Native American verbal expression was recognized as literature from a Western perspective. ( This is an important piece that has been considered as revolutionary as Karl Marx’ Communist Manifesto. The objective of this work is that it searches for (and discovers) a solution to the working man’s problems through individual and peaceful methods. Instead of simply studying the problems of the 1850’s, Thoreau based his philosophy on ageless and proven truths from the past thus allowing himself to look into the future. ( During the 1830’s through the 1850’s, differences in social status, such as gender and class, were the main subject matter of all writers. And almost all writers were at odds with Protestant

Monday, August 26, 2019

Short Answer Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Short Answer Questions - Essay Example The model acknowledges that the judges’ decisions are controlled by certain constraints. In this regard, judges must act in accordance with the outlined constraints to ensure that justice and fairness are maintained. The legal model acknowledges that the judges submit to the provisions of law. The model recognizes that the judges operate under the provisions of the constitution. The model that best describes the behavior of Supreme Court justices is the legal model. The model highlights the importance of the rule of law in search of justice. In addition, the model outlines the various functions of the constitution in regulating decision-making by judges. In essence, the model provides the structure of the judiciary and the appropriate process to be followed. There exist many differences between courts and public opinion. For instance, the courts are formed in accordance with the constitution and the rule of law. On the other hand, public opinion develops out of people’s view. In addition, the court follows certain procedures in solving disputes while public opinion has no outlined procedure for addressing issues. The phrase that the courts need legitimacy and support from the public to get their policies implemented means that the judicial system must win the public faith to be effective. In essence, the courts require public support in order to make the rulings acceptable and effective. It is worth noting that the courts rely on the members of public for support since the law largely focuses on the well-being of the common people. Apparently, public opinion has a great influence on the decisions made in court (Geer et al. 177) For instance, the court has to seek public views in deciding some cases since they affect the entire society. It is crucial to identify that the court cannot make or decisions on their own. In essence, the members of the public have to be involved at some point. The courts should embrace the public opinion

Sunday, August 25, 2019

British Pop Art versus Nouveau Realisme Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

British Pop Art versus Nouveau Realisme - Essay Example Pop Art emerged in 1950’s Britain and quickly took root in America and other parts of the world as well. The style formed in response to abstract; the latter being considered an overdone, muddled interpretation of reality by many artists who desired to create art that could be more easily appreciated by the masses. The fact was that with abstract art, audiences and different artists like Allan Jones felt that the works being produced were supportive of elitism. Small, trendy art audiences would attend gallery openings, discuss the paintings and in most cases were encouraged to think of themselves as a privileged bunch who were able to see through the ambiguous artwork to the ‘true meaning’. To take down this elitist mentality that was rampant in the world of art, Pop Artists decided to show their own interpretations of the world in a clear, concise manner that could be appreciated by the average person on the street. The object of Pop Art was to do just as its na me suggested: to take images, techniques and styles from popular culture and use them in the creation of new works of art. Artists admitted for the first time that they were actually targeting a larger audience than was usual, and in doing so hoped to bring an appreciation of their work to the masses instead of to a small elite group. If direct reference was made to popular culture and imagery in the art itself, then people who usually were not interested in artistic interpretation would find themselves drawn into the work. By using popular culture as the basis for the artwork, artists felt that they had a better chance of getting into the minds of the common people and encouraging them to think about their world and the messages that might be behind the art. A major factor of British Pop Art was its tendency to emphasize those aspects of the British culture that were considered mundane or banal (Chilvers 305). Artists who used different styles thought that the artwork portrayed a mindlessness inherent in British society; others thought it showed nothing more than a breakdown of art itself from an intellectual philosophical form of expression to the expression of common ignorance. Perhaps inadvertently, Pop Artists were renewing the old ties of realism to the art world after the abstract phase and because of this many other artists have been inspired to create art using unorthodox methods and imagery. Whatever the actual effect of Pop Art on its audience, the fact remains that its creators were seeking a way out of what they viewed as an

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Information Technology in Global Banking and Finance Research Proposal

Information Technology in Global Banking and Finance - Research Proposal Example It can also be defined as a business that is being carried out by bankers. Banking industry is going through drastic changes nowadays and the major causes of these changes are; increased competition, better products, increased restrictions etcetera. Information technology is the major issue that the executives keep in their mind while designing the strategies for global banking. Information technology can be defined as a productive combination of human resources, hardware, software and ways of communication that collect data and transform it in to meaningful information in an organized manner. In today’s competitive world only the banks that use their information technology efficiently and strategically can handle the changing market conditions effectively. (Anyasi and Otubu 2009, p.1). 2.1 IT can be used in the many forms or manner in global banking industry including Internet Network, SMS Alerts, E-mails, ATMs and Electronic Fund Transfers etc. The other services provided by banks are authentication, internet access, security systems etcetera. (Alawode, John & Kaka 2008, p. 675 – 676) 2.2 Use of technology has reduced the probability of human errors and has been effective in reducing the overall costs. It also helps in providing valuable information to consumers easily and on lower costs, it also facilitates the performance of tasks and makes them less time consuming. Examples of improvised banking services because of involvement of IT are Telephone and Internet banking. (Ombati, Magutu & Nyamwange 2010, p. 155 – 156). 2.3 Though technology has benefited the global banking industry to a great extent but there are certain limitations to it which include; the first major limitation is security as the consumers do not consider e-banking a secure process to solve this problem banks are providing consumers with authentication, another limitation is lack of training if the work force is not properly trained then it can affect the benefits that

The women's history in US Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The women's history in US - Essay Example despite having descended from a distinguished family, Emily sent all four of her children, including Mary, to the same Catholic school, refusing either to teach them about their cultural background or their native language (Lakota Woman, 1990). Mary’s childhood, which was also spent at the Rosebud Reservation, was filled with poverty, brutality, and racism. The social status of women had drastically changed since colonization, and the introduction of the 1876 Indian Act, which instigated the eroding of native women’s rights in various domains. Part of this had been the introduction of mandatory education in residential schools for all children, and Mary, like her mother, was forced to attend. Her years there were desperately hard, with nuns that beat the children if observed practicing cultural customs or speaking their native tongue, and the young teenager ran away. Aggressive, angry, and confused, within a short space of time, Mary Crow Dog had, like so many other Indian women before her, entered the world of alcohol and drugs (Lakota Woman, 1990). It was while she was still a teenager that Mary Crow Dog became involved in the protest activities of the American Indian Movement (AIM), where she began to discover her true Indian identity. This enabled personal development and individual growth that helped her come to terms with being a ‘half breed’ – something which had deeply affected her. Then, in 1972, Mary participated in the Trail of Broken Treaties demonstration in Washington D.C., where she met her future husband. She was only sixteen years old (Lakota Woman, 1990). Leonard, a medicine man, was fourteen years Mary’s senior when she married him in 1973, and she was seventeen. The age gap, however, was less of a problem than the couple’s cultural differences. Mary’s role as the wife of a medicine man held various important responsibilities that often left her exhausted. She learnt the difference between the various ceremonies, she studied

Friday, August 23, 2019

The Continuum from Legitimacy to Fraud Research Paper - 1

The Continuum from Legitimacy to Fraud - Research Paper Example Though there are extensive accounting rules and policies to control and monitor the books of accounts or financial statements, yet some amount of flexibility or freedom is allowed. In accounting, freedom of choice is necessary to increase the efficiency of the accounting procedures However if companies want to use such methodologies for manipulating or inflating their earnings, then they can do so using creative accounting methods (Loughrey, 2011, p. 225). Earning management is a critical part of financial accounting because it provides information to the users of financial statements for interpreting and deriving conclusion about the performance of the company. Creative accounting practices are such malpractices in accounting which may be legal and in accordance with the existing standards but may not be in line with the true spirits of the rules laid down under accounting standards. In other words, when financial statements are prepared by the relevant managers of a company that is inconsistent with the purpose or intention of the existing accounting standards, then it is said to be a practice of creative accounting. ... counting one can use their discretion to choose their own preferred way of recording sales or turnover of the company, the method of depreciation to be used by the company, the method of valuation of inventory, etc. This type of flexibility helps the managers of a company to represent the true and fair view of the company’s affairs and its earnings in the financial statements. Account Management: Accounting policies can be utilized by the managers of a company to accomplish the objectives of the management of the company and may not fulfil the essential requirements of the users. It can thus be used as a tool that can be managed and not as a means to provide true and fair view of the company. Interests of Managers: In theory, accounting information should provide relevant information to the users which can be used by them for various decision making process. Whereas in practice, earning management is more for the interest of managers rather than for the benefit of its users. B rief Literature Review Earnings management is a term which acts as a substitute for creative accounting. Trying to manipulate the earnings which are reported by the managers of a company, by taking help of some specific accounting process, is termed as earnings management. The company does so to influence its earnings in a short-term horizon (Coenen, 2009). Earnings management makes use of accrual accounting. However, the main issue regarding this is that it becomes very difficult to differentiate between regular accrual accounting and earnings management (Larcker, & Tayan, 2011, p. 164). Now since management has discretion in earnings management, it can lead to fraudulent activities like wrong representation of data in the financial statements.  

Thursday, August 22, 2019

William Shakespeare Essay Example for Free

William Shakespeare Essay In the Elizabethan time period 1589-95 Sir William Shakespeare a playwright wrote the play Romeo and Juliet. The play is often thought of as a love story however it is actually far more concerned with violence, death and fate than it is with love. Romeo and Juliet is highly regarded as one of Shakespeares best plays, even as one of the worlds finest love stories. However the play has many other themes of conflict, violence and inevitable tragedy. The play title immediately introduces the theme of love, and the not the darker side of the play, as the name Romeo and Juliet refers to two lovers and nothing else. The play also includes the constant mentioning of the inevitable tragedy. In this essay I will be looking at the themes of forbidden love, family feuds, and revenge that come between the relationship of Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet to answer the question of how violence and conflict are introduced by finding evidence to support each theme. I will then conclude by answering the question as a whole. Shakespeare was born in 1564 in Stratford-Upon-Avon. He married Anne Hathaway in 1882 and had two children. Hamnet and Judith. William Shakespeare produced most of his known work between 1590 and 1613. Shakespeare used a variety of sources for his dramas. The story of Romeo and Juliet was by all accounts taken from the poem, The tragic history of Romeus and Juliet written by Arthur Brooke, though the original story may be derived from the Greek author, Xenophon. The play was published in quarto form in 1597 so it is safe to assume that the play may have been written a couple of years earlier, during the first stage of his career. The Quartos contained single plays and were sold for a sixpence each. The play is unusual in that it is a tragedy, for the bulk of his writing in the early years were comedies and histories. Romeo and Juliet marry at a young age of 14 and 15, which links to the time period of the fifteen hundreds as young marriages were not uncommon. In Romeo and Juliet Shakespeare includes the theme of revenge to give the play action and tragedy. Romeo blames himself for the death of Mercutio, and is resentful of Tybalts insults; he fears that his love for Juliet has weakened his courage. After witnessing Mercutios death, Romeo vows to slay Tybalt. And red-eyed fury may be my conduct now! Romeo says here how he is filled with anger and wants revenge, and he may behave with his anger now. Red-eyed, shows he is filled with anger and rage and that he is ruling with his heart and not his logic. Either thou, or I, or both must go with him. Romeo angrily says here that they will fight and one of them or both of them will die and join Mercutio. Romeo thinks this should happen as he has lost a friend and will fight, no matter what the outcomes is, to avenge Mercutio. Both outcomes of the fight will create a tragedy because Romeo will either die or be banished. Romeos revenge leads to a violent and tragic end to Tybalts life. Violence is introduced through Romeos hunt for revenge. Another example of revenge is when Tybalt spots Romeo at Juliets marriage party. He wants revenge and goes in search of Romeo to fight him. Boy shall not excuse his injuries that thou hast done me, therefore turn and draw. Tybalt wants to cause Romeo pain for intruding at Juliets party and will fight others to get to Romeo. This is shown when Tybalt ten kills Mercutio, which leads onto the next scene of revenge. This is also an example of the theme of inevitable tragedy. Shakespeare weaves inevitable tragedy into many acts in Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare shows this immediately in the prologue as well as saying that the theme of inevitable tragedy will continue as the play goes on. A pair of star crossed lovers, (the phrase puts forward the fact that the two lovers are doomed from the start. The phrase means love is blind. This shows how the two lovers are in love, and this makes them do things that they would normally suggest other people to do otherwise.)

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Customer Behaviour Analysis in Sportswear Industry

Customer Behaviour Analysis in Sportswear Industry In the world we live today, businesses and top companies have to understand what their companies have to offer to their customer and they have to understand the needs of the consumers in their markets. Consumer behavior is the study of individuals, groups, or organizations. The way customer buys their product and the ways they select their particular products in Singapore. (Customer behavior, 2010) Sportswear market is one of the leading markets in the world and the biggest players in the sports wear are Nike and Adidas these are the biggest market leaders in the world for the creativity and the sports equipments they have to offer to the people. Singapore is a very diverse country with different ethnic backgrounds from places live in Singapore as this is sports loving country as the Youth Olympics were held in Singapore in August 2010, as is the one of the biggest target market for the sports equipments as the people of Singapore are sports loving people. Singapore is one of the famous tourist destinations in the world famous for shopping, tourist destination, Santosa beach, and two newly opened Casinos The Customer behavior of visitors on sportswear in Singapore is mostly influenced by social, cultural, personal and Psychological factors. (Kotler, Armstrong, Yau Hon Ming, 2009) Consumer behavior is affected by many diverse factors for example, what influences you before you buy a product or service? Your friends, your raising, your culture, the media, a role model or influences from certain groups. (Learn Marketing, 2010) On a more personal level, I have always had a deep interest in trying to understand how other people think and what makes them behave in the way that they do. I feel that in doing this we come more rapidly to understand our own individual ways and patterns of thought and ways of behavior. Singapore market is growing rapidly as they have recovered from the economic crisis and the people of Singapore are purchasing the products as they are being influenced as their spending power is more than before as the economy of the country is recovered and Singapore is attracting lots of visitors to Singapore for shopping, Casinos, Travel and leisure. This gives the opportunity to the sports accessories companies a better target market to occupy and generate ways of attracting their target customer. 1.1 Objectives of the Research The main objectives of this research is to understand the factors that are affecting the customer behavior and the way they act while purchasing the product and these factors helps the sportswear companies to know and to understand and predict buying behavior of consumers in the market place and what are the trends, behavior of the customer and the way they buy products in the market, from a sporting wear like Manchester United Jersey to a Football shoes or jogging shoes, it is concerned not only with what consumers buy, but also with why they buy it, when and where and how they buy it. (Himansu. S. M, 2008) Sportswear market is growing in Singapore as the tourism industry is growing rapidly as it is attracting lots of visitors to Singapore. However, a sporting culture in Singapore and the passion for sports excellence and a vast business plan have the potential to produce results well beyond our dreams. The timing is excellent as it has never been before and for the customers and companies active in Singapores sports scene. (Kotler and keller, 2009). The sports market in Asia Pacific is booming. The total value of the market should reach $17 billion in 2009, according to a global study by an independent management consulting firm. (Sports Industry, 2009) The factors that influence the customer behavior are Role, Status and Age Lifestyle Personality and attitude We have to understand how these factors play an important role in influencing the customer buying behavior towards buying sports equipments in Singapore. There is big change in the number of visitors coming to Singapore from couple of years and the Singapore market is booming as the figures show there is vast change in the number of visitors coming to Singapore from the year 2007 to 2010. Figure 1,2,3 Visitor arrive in Singapore 2007 to 2010C:UsersDickeyDesktopSnag itVisitordec 07,dec08.pngC:UsersDickeyDesktopSnag itVisitor10-23-2010 2-22-36 PM.png C:UsersDickeyDesktopSnag itjuly 2010 visitors.png Source: STB, 2010 Research focus The focus of this research is to understand how Role, Status, Age, Lifestyle and Personality and Attitude of an individual and how it plays an important role on buyer mood, conditions that affect the customer behavior when they are purchasing a sportswear product. The reason for coming out with a model is that this gives us an understanding how the visitors in Singapore behave when they are buying sportswear and this will help us to understand the customers better and how they react and what are the factors that influence the consumer behavior of visitors on sportswear in Singapore. According to the research we have derived on this that most of the visitors coming to Singapore are for shopping purpose and travelling purpose. As shown below for several years. Fig 4, (Major Expenditure Items for 2008) Fig 5 Major Expenditure Items for 2004-08) For the year 2008 Source: STB, 2010 Fig 1C:UsersDickeyDesktopSnag it2008expenses.png For the year 2004-08 Source: STB, 2010 Fig 2 C:UsersDickeyDesktopSnag it20082004.2008.png Fig: 6 Major Expenditure Items for 2007 Source: (STB, 2010) C:UsersDickeyDesktopSnag it2007 travelling ppl.png Figure 7 Shopping items purchased. Source: (STB 2010) C:UsersDickeyDesktopSnag it2006.2007 shopping lists.pngC:UsersDickeyDesktopSnag itshopping.png Research questions In this report we have to invest the characteristics that affect the consumer behavior when they are buying a sports accessories product and how these characteristics play the important role in consumer behavior. How the role, status and age of an individual affect on consumer behavior. How does lifestyle of an individual affect on consumer behavior. How does personality and attitude of an individual affect on consumer behavior. Value of the research This research will give us the understanding how the consumer behave when they are buying a sportswear product and this will help the practitioner to understand how the consumer reacts and what are the factors that influences him to buy a product. The study of consumer behavior is the study where are going to learn how individuals make decisions to spend their available resources. Chapter 2 Literature review The purpose of literature review is to make sure that we analyze all the characteristics that play an important role in affecting the consumer behavior. The purpose of the literature review is to select promising measure, methods (Mamchak and Mamchak, 1994). Identify and highlight the important variables and document the significant results of earlier research that will serve as the basis on which the theoretical framework of the investigation can be built and the hypothesis developed (Sekaran, 2003). Based on the research objectives, the researcher will provide relevant concepts in the review of current literature in this chapter. Consumer behavior is the way a person reacts to purchase products and there are several factors that affect the consumer behavior they are 2.1 Role, status and age All of us hold positions within groups, organizations and institutions. Associated with each position there is an important role to play, there are set of activities a person in particular position is supposed to perform based on expectations of both individual and surrounding people, because a person can occupy different roles for example role of a son, husband, father, mother, church priest, employee, and student. There are multiple set of expectations which are placed on an individual person so this affects the consumer behavior. (Pride and Ferrell, 2007) An individual role influences the buying behavior, the demand of a persons many roles may be diverse and inconsistent. Considering the various types of sports accessories that may an individual buy and wear will be depending on whether you are sporting which type of sports or what type of sports accessories an individual may like, and others involved in these types of setting and environment has expectations what is acceptable accessories for the purpose. The expectations of those consumers may affect the purchase of those sports accessories and products. (Pride and Ferrell, 2007) Consumers usually choose sportswear products appropriate to their roles and status. Considering the various roles a working mother plays. In her company she plays an important role of a brand manager of Nike or Adidas she would be wearing mostly sportswear but on the other hand a working mother working in a bank she would be wearing uniform. So we have to understand the role and status of an individual and these factors play a vast role in consumer behavior. As she may be fan of a sporting event as she would be wearing her favorite sports accessories as she plays a role of avid fan. As a brand manager of Sports Company she will buy the kind of clothes that reflects her role and status in her company. People buy different goods and services over their lifetime. They wear different kinds of clothes and eat different food in the early years, most. Peoples taste in clothes is age related the youngster nowadays like to wear sportswear clothes as they prefer to have sporting looks. Age plays an important role on consumer behavior as consumer needs and wants change with age. Sportswear companies offer different types of clothes for all ages and they are also youth oriented. Such as Michael Jordan shoes and jersey will attract young kids in the market who would like to relate themselves as Michael Jordan fans. The taste for sportswear items is different between the youngsters and the mature people. Mature people tend to buy less sporty looking wear and more comfortable clothes. 2.2 Lifestyle Lifestyle is a popular concept for understanding consumer behavior because its more contemporary than personality and values and lifestyle is a persons pattern of living as expressed in her or his psychographics. It involves measuring consumers major activities which an individual do such as hobbies, sports, shopping, social events, interests, fashion, family and opinions about themselves. Lifestyle captures something more than a consumers social class or personality. It helps a persons whole pattern of acting and interacting in the world. (Kotler, Armstrong, Ang, Leong, Tan, 2009) Lifestyles have a strong impact on many aspects of consumer behavior process, from problem recognition to purchase stage. Lifestyle influences consumers product needs, brand preferences, type of media used and how, when and where they shop. Lifestyle of an individual person plays a vast role in consumer behavior. (Pride and Ferrell, 2007) As we have understand that lifestyle refers to the pattern of consumption reflecting to a person choice on how he or she will spend money, but in some cases it refers to the attitude and values attached to these pattern. Every consumer has a different lifestyle and they all behave according to their lifestyle and this affects on the consumer behavior. Ones choice on sporting accessories would identify a person lifestyle and what are his preferences and the sports accessories an individual wears makes a statement about who the one is and the type of people he wishes to be identified as and the other people who are keeping some distance. (Solomon, Bamossy, Askegaard Hogg, 2006) 2.3 Personality and Attitude Personality is a set of internal traits and different behavioral tendencies that result in consistent pattern of behavior in certain situations. An individual personality comes from hereditary characteristics and personal experience that makes a person unique. Personality is described to be having one or more characteristics such as ambition, authoritarianism, competitiveness and dogmatism. Personality of an individual person plays a major role in consumer behavior as he or she has its own ambition or characteristics. (Pride and Ferrell, 2007) Everyone is different just look at fingerprint, so every individual personality is different, personality has many meaning, according to consumer behavior it is defined as a rapid response to environmental stimuli, it is an individual unique psychological makeup, which consistently influences how a person responds to his environment. For example why do some people like to go movies and other people love buying sports accessories or attend sports event it all depends upon an individual personality. (Blackwell, Souza, Teghian, Miniard Engel, 2006) Every person has personality as every personality reflects individual differences, enduring and a personality can change. Under certain circumstances a personality changes such as childs birth, Nike withdraw the sponsorship that may change your personality to buy Adidas sports accessories, career promotion all such kind of things can change a human personality and this significantly affects the consumer behavior. (Schiffman, Lazarkamk, Hasan, 2007) Personality is considered the main force behind consumer decision making. Personality refers to a persons behavior or reply to recurring situations. Personality plays an important role when it comes to consumer behavior of any sorts, especially if it involves consumer buying process. An individuals personality has become very significant now days when it comes to making decisions while buying. It holds different meaning accordingly to the consumers tastes, preferences and personality. (Knight, 2009) An attitude is an individual enduring evaluation, feeling about and behavioral tendencies towards a product or idea. For example he have attitude for politics, music, sports and sports accessories we wear, football team we support. Although attitudes can change, they tend to remain stable and not vary from moment to moment. As attitudes put people into frame work of mind of liking or disliking things, as attitude is difficult to change. Person attitudes fit into the pattern and to change one attitude may require difficult adjustments in many others. However all of a persons attitudes do not have equal impact at one time, some are stronger than other and this plays an important when they are buying a sports accessories product. Individuals acquire attitudes through experience and interaction with other people. (Pride and Ferrell, 2007) Attitude of an individual people or group of people always affect the consumer behavior and for example one group of individual with same attitude are diehard fan of a football team and they are highly committed to their team and they have love for the game and if the sponsoring company are providing the sportswear of that team, the people with all the same attitude will buy the same product as the players are wearing. This will affect the consumer behavior and the sports companies should provide better sports accessories for the diehard fans as they all have the same attitude towards a same idea. (Solomon, Dann, Susan Bennett, 2009) So far the consumer attitude has big influence on consumer behavior such as whether you like a product or dislike a product such as do u like Coca Cola or not, do u like Nike and Adidas sports accessories or not. Theoretical framework Based on the theoretical framework the theoretical framework is there to test the validity of an existing theory. It is easier t understand the theoretical framework if it is viewed as the answers to the collected interrelated concepts. Role, Status Age Consumer Behavior Lifestyle Personality Attitude Independent Variable Dependent Variable Hypothesis Development Hypothesis development is necessary as it shows a relationship between two or more variables expressed in the form of testable statement. (Sekaran, 2003: pg 103). Based on the research topic the final indepdent variable and dependant variable are as follows. First Independent variable is Role, Status and Age which is IV1 Second Independent variable is Lifestyle which is IV2 Third Independent variable is Personality and Attitude which is IV3 Consumer Behavior is Dependent Variable which is addressed as DV Hypothesis development is there by confirming or rejecting hypothesis, it is expected that solutions can be found to correct the problem encountered. (Theoretical-Framework-and-Hypothesis-Development, 2010) Null Hypothesis Addressed by: = 0 Finding: There is no relationship between the IVs and DV The null hypotheses represent that the independent variable (IVs) and do not have any effect on the outcome of Dependent Variable DV. Table of Null Hypotheses H1 = Hypothesis 1. Role and Status H2 = Hypothesis 2. Lifestyle H3 = Hypothesis 3. Personality and Attitude = 0 => = Ho H1= Ho There is no significant effect of Role and Status on Consumer Behavior H2= Ho There is no significant effect of Lifestyle on Consumer Behavior H3= Ho There is no significant effect of Personality and Attitude on Consumer Behavior Alternative Hypothesis Addressed by: à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚   0 meaning that à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚   Ho In hypothesis testing, the null hypothesis and an alternative hypothesis are put forward. If the data are sufficiently strong to reject the null hypothesis, then the null hypothesis is rejected in favor of an alternative hypothesis. Alternative hypothesis is a constructed hypothesis which the results are examined against the prediction of null hypothesis. In general the null statement is expressed as no relationship between two variables or no difference between two groups.  The alternate hypothesis  which is the opposite of the null is a statement expressing a relationship between two variables or indicating differences between groups. (Sekaran Bougie, 2003) Procedure: There is either negative or positive relationship between the IVs and DV. The alternative hypotheses represent that the outcomes are different from zero; in particular, it could be positive or negative. As a result, IVs positively relate to the DV if alternative hypotheses greater than zero and negatively relate to the DV if alternative hypotheses lesser than zero. To find out how significant IVs positively or negatively relate to DV, Alternative Hypotheses are measured. à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚   0 => à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚   Ho H1à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚   Ho There is either positive or negative effect of Role and status on Consumer Behavior H2à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚   Ho There is either positive or negative effect of Lifestyle on Consumer Behavior H3à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚   Ho There is either positive or negative effect of Personality and Attitude on Consumer Behavior Research Design The main aim of this research is to conduct a descriptive study and a correlation study. Descriptive research is used to obtain information concerning the current status of the phenomena to describe what exists with respect to variables or conditions in a situation. The methods involved range from the survey which describes the status, the correlation study which investigates the relationship between variables, to developmental studies which seek to determine changes over time. (Key, 1997) In this research the researcher wants to relate the independent variables and the dependent variables. Descriptive study and a correlation study would help in identifying the information, design a procedure to gather the information and analyze the information with the help of the IVs and DV. 3.1 Research Methodologies In order to collect the data for my research it is necessary to get an understanding of the data collection methods. There are many research methods but according to the topic nature we are doing a qualitative study. Qualitative research is unstructured exploratory in nature based on small samples and may utilize popular qualitative techniques such as group interviews, word association asking respondents to indicate their first responses to stimulus words and interviews (Malhotra, 2007) 3.2 Data Collection Methods According to the research design we are going to the following methods Secondary Data: Secondary data are the existing sources which were produced by earlier researchers for some specific purposes. According to the research topic we are using secondary data collections ways as it is from existing sources. (Blaxter et al, 2001) Primary Data: Primary data are original information collected by researchers to fulfill numerous purposes of research. The investigators could collect primary data by using various methods such as direct interviews, interviews through telephone, questionnaires, observations and others. (Macneill and Chapman, 2005) In this research, secondary data will be collected through magazines, journals, newspaper reports, company manuals, and brochures. 3.3 Data Collection Methods In this research, the researcher uses a questionnaire to gather data due to questionnaire is an effective data collection mechanism when the researcher knows exactly what is required and how to measure the variables of interest (Sekaran, 2003). Data would be collected through magazines, journals, newspaper reports, and brochures. To capture data, questionnaires are designed accordingly to specific information needed. In order to be precise, the question will be set as simple as possible. The number of question is small and the words are simplified. Before the questionnaire is practiced, they should be pre-tested to see how it works and improved if there is any mistake. 3.4 Data analysis The researcher needs an effective data analysis tool to examine the chosen hypothesis at the beginning step. SPSS which stands for Statistics Package of Social Science is considered the best method in statistical analysis. This software allows researchers to enhance their perception of the data and interpretation of the output. (Weinberg and Abramowitz, 2002) The main jobs of researcher are to decide the needed variables before entering the input to the software, to select correct statistical tests to analyze data and to interpret the final output results. (Bryman and Bell, 2007) 3.5 Pilot-Testing The purpose of doing pilot testing is to detect weaknesses in design and content in the instrument before it is reach final steps. (Fink, 2003), 12 peoples are required to be tested. The pilot tested should monitor the ease with which respondents complete the questionnaire, and also the ease with respondents to complete the questionnaire (Fink, 2003). 4 Ethical issues While conducting survey and interview for the research, the researcher should consider the code of ethical issue. The major responsibility of the researcher is to inform clearly and accurately the surveys purpose and content to respondents so that they can make decision whether they wish to participate. The researcher should also show the respect to the participants by keeping their answers confidential based on the guidelines of the university. Furthermore researcher need to guarantee the data must be used only for this particular report. Schedule No Content Month Oct Nov 2010 Dec Jan 2010 Feb Mar 2010 Week 1,2 3,4 1,2 1,2 1,2 3,4 1,2 3,4 1,2 3,4 1,2 1 Problem Identification 2 Literature Review 3 Research Design 4 Choice of Methodology 5 Data Sources 6 Data Collection 7 Data Analysis 8 Writing up Draft 9 Editing 10 Final Document 11 Binding of Document Table 1 below presents a detailed dissertation schedule to ensure that the research work

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Management Essays McDonalds Restaurants and Management Strategic Management and Operations

Management Essays McDonalds Restaurants and Management Strategic Management and Operations McDonalds Restaurants Management Introduction Strategies are important for all businesses, irregardless of the products or services that they offer. Through strategic management and operations, companies are able to integrate new and effective means of running their respective businesses. In turn, these strategies results to increased profit or sales, stable market position and greater levels of customer loyalty. In the fast food industry, certain business strategies are also being developed and applied so as to achieve similar effects. In this report, the impact of some business strategies in actual businesses will be analyzed. The case study provided was about McDonalds and how the company has evolved to be successful in the British market. In addition, the case discussed the problems that McDonalds have been encountered throughout the years, specifically in terms of being considered as a company which offers unhealthy foods. Primarily, the main goal of this paper is to determine the business strategy of McDonald to sustain their competitive advantage in the global market. Overview of the Company McDonald’s has a rich history that started out in 1954. The company was put to the spotlight by Ray Kroc. Throughout the years, marketing ideas have poured through and helped the company become one of the most renowned fast food brands globally. The trademark design for the fast food was carefully studied and it came with a happy clown character known as Ronald MacDonald (McDonald, 2008). The Big Mac and the Egg Muffin have been some of McDonald’s most innovative products. In terms of marketing, the happy meal approach was also a creative as it entices children to eat at MacDonald’s because of the toys they can get. Today, McDonald’s is also on the Internet bandwagon, providing information to people all over the world with a click of a mouse (McDonald’s Corporation, 2008). McDonalds restaurants offer a substantially uniform menu, common in the usual fast foods. This includes hamburgers, cheeseburgers, chicken sandwiches, French fries, salads, milk shakes, desserts, and ice cream sundaes. The company’s top sellers, and can also be considered as innovative ones, include the Big Mac, Quarter Pounder with Cheese, the Filet-O-Fish and Chicken McNuggets. Recently, the company has added a number of new nutritional products. This includes the Salads Plus products i.e. Garden Side Salad and the Grilled Chicken Flatbreads (McDonald’s Corp. UK, 2008). Uniformity continues in McDonalds restaurants operating in the US, UK and certain international markets that are open during breakfast hours and offer a full or limited breakfast menu. Breakfast offerings include the Egg McMuffin and Sausage McMuffin with Egg sandwiches, hotcakes, biscuit and bagel sandwiches and muffins. Also, McDonalds tests new products on an ongoing basis and sell a variety of other products during limited-time promotions. In the fiscal 2003, McDonalds generated revenues of $17.1 billion, an increase of 11% on the previous year. Operated Restaurant business unit posted revenues of $12.8 billion in fiscal 2003, compared with $11.5 billion in 2002 and $11 billion in 2000 and represents approximately 75% of the companys net sales. On the other hand, the Franchised and Affiliated Restaurants business unit posted revenues of $4.3 billion in fiscal 2003, compared with $3.9 billion in 2002 and represents approximately 25% of the companys net sales. The geographic are of Europe accounts for 37%, second to the 39% total revenue in the US. The customer target of McDonald’s is usually children or young people. In fact, McDonald’s already entered the children’s wear market. The new McKids products include footwear, videos, toys and casual clothes. Soon to be released worldwide, it is an attempt to redefine McDonald’s image partly due to heightened concerns about the rising levels of obesity amongst consumers, particularly in the US and the UK. Strategies of McDonald McDonalds is one of the famous food chain all throughout the world known by both the child and adult alike. It has increased it sales despite some issues being raised against the company. To further increase sales on the business and improve its performance, business strategies are done by person in-charge. It is in this stage wherein the company would improve what they lack thus making prospective customers to keep on coming back and ask for more. It is said that McDonald has been able to use various strategies to uplift and sustain their competitive advantage in the market. Part of its business strategy is its plan to phase out its Super Size French fries and soft drinks as it tries to create a healthier image for itself. The Super Size option is to be phased out in an attempt to slim down its menu amid increasing concerns and issues being raised about obesity (Crouch, 2004). The company is also planning other menu changes, such as switching to a cinnamon roll and a sausage burrito as its core breakfast offering, while bagels would become an optional item. The company also has to stop selling its 14 ounce McDonald’s Fruit n Yogurt Parfait and replaced it with a smaller-sized version of the product (Crouch, 2004). All these changes in the menu are part of its strategy to provide a range of choices that support a balanced lifestyle. The company has also added that the simplified core menu would be rolled out to its entire restaurant. Furthermore, using the national rollout of its â€Å"made for you† platform as the opportunity to re-evaluate its core brand attributes, the company has quietly formed a global brand strategy task force that is looking for â€Å"long and hard† at the essence of the Golden Arches (Howard, 1999). The group which will be led by new vp-brand strategy has been meeting for several months and is anticipated to put forward its findings in fresh consumer messages by mid-2000. The slow-build will allow stores to work through an expected learning curve for the new cooking system and avert major miscues as it attempts to deliver on the promise of hotter, fresher foods made to order (Howard, 1999). The group also is evaluating all elements of the brand from menu, service, and restaurant dà ©cor to brand icons Ronald McDonald. Even though domestic sales have turned to healthy 5% level, the said company is rethinking how to sustain growth in the face of both national and regional rivals.In the past, the company’s marketing strategy has been criticized for being short-term focused and there has been no over-arching umbrella strategy. With that, the charge is to bring continuity and consistency to the brand strategy piece. Strategies in other areas of the organization is also made like the three-wheeled vehicle that is used to collect discarded cups and burger wrappings from the neighbourhood around the restaurant and the provision of good services to customer which naturally begins and commences with hiring the right kind of people (Livesey, 1999). Staffs are encouraged to smile, be optimistic and treat customers particularly with respect, tell them what a person wants and follow up on the performance and reward their behavior. The restaurant’s bathroom is not spared. Issues are raised on the concerns about the said restaurant to be dirty and unhygienic. Customers want a clean area especially the bathroom to make they feel comfortable. Strategies like this should also be applied (Livesey, 1999). McDonald’s has developed three strategies for sustaining the competitive advantage. These are customer convenience, customer value, and optimal operations. Together with the digital strategies, it will help create new and bold ideas for the company. The stores are characterized by the operations team as miniature manufacturing facilities. With its goal in improving the suite of its manufacturing systems (inventory control, production planning, financial control, and point-of-sale order entry) that supports the store, the team has developed ways of improving its overall operations. Aside from offering hamburgers and French fries, the current trend in McDonald’s extends in serving as a family retreat, and as a community center for senior citizens. The means for the former one are its extensive indoor playgrounds and promotional toys, while the invitational plays of bingo are for the latter one. As this trend continues, an extension of more service-oriented technologies is needed. They can conduct studies and surveys to better know which among the different alternatives serves the company’s objectives the best. These might include robots taking orders instead of humans, automated processes of food production, and the like. To achieve customer convenience, one of their key initiatives is on the improvement in the speed of new stores’ opening. To answer this, the â€Å"day in the life† scenario was developed for site developers that described the optimal toolset and the collaborative environment they would have with them as they scouted for locations. Rather than choosing individual tools, they should think about the tools on the horizon-geographical information systems, global positioning satellites, new media such as teleconferencing, and the expanding flow of information through public networks like the Internet. The adherence of the company to put WIFI technology in their stores for instance has also become one of the attractive forces for customers. For the achievement of customer value, focus should remain on real-time information flow that allows instant corrections of the menu and prices in response to customers’ preferences, competitive environment, and even the ingredients’ global commodities market. Specific Situation Strategy McDonald’s has been recognized as a highly flexible corporation. This company feature has been evidenced by its vast product differentiation. This is one of the company’s major strategies in entering foreign markets. Teriyaki burgers in Japan, McPork Burgers and McTempeh in Indonesia, McSpaghetti in the Philippines and McLox Salmon sandwiches in Norway are some of the concrete examples of McDonald’s ability to modify its products based on international tastes and preferences which they also done with their British market. While minor product changes are required for these countries, vast changes would have to be done for Britain’s case. Modifying the product or service is one example on how foreign firms are able to distribute their goods effectively in diverse markets. Another is by modifying the businesses’ marketing mix in order to fit global resources to local market conditions. In order to do this, multinational companies can transfer their developed global brands into a new market by means of changing their products’ formulation, prices or packaging. This in turn will increase the products’ appeal to both consumers and retailers. Doing this globalization strategy however, naturally requires considerable investment. Still, this will make multinational companies at par with the local companies. Another possible localization strategy is by developing new resources that are market-specific. This strategy is done when the multinational company acquired some local brands, marketing them along with their global product brands (Arnold, 2003). As McDonald’s typically serve beef burgers and non-spicy food items, the company would have to drastically change its menu for the Britain market to provide healthier menus for British people. For instance vegetable salads and chicken kebabs were also served to cater to the health conscious population. These are some of the many changes that McDonald’s did in order to gain entry to the Britain market. In addition to product differentiation, regulation of the products’ prices is also a top priority. Effective promotions and advertising were also integrated into the company’s international strategy. One of these tactics include the company’s promotional offers of various items like Internet cards, concert tickets, CDs, T-shirts, caps and international trips . This promo had been done as the company collaborated with other organizations including Coca-cola, Sony, MTV, and General Motors. Painting contests for children were also conducted by McDonald’s. Furthermore, the advertising strategies of McDonald’s had been focused on building an image of family comfort. Rather than just being an ordinary fast food that serves quality meals, McDonald’s intends to appeal to the market by building a fast food image where families can get together, enjoy and relax. Overall, the international strategy of McDonald’s for Britain has been effective. In general, the focus of these strategies was the customers. Customers play a significant role to a business’ success or failure. Being an important business element, meeting the needs and preferences of the consumers is the utmost priority of almost all businesses. McDonald’s has clearly shown the importance of this concept by adapting to the Britain culture, its people and their tastes. By reaching out to the British market, McDonald’s was able to successfully establish itself in Britain. Despite the success of McDonald’s in Britain, it is important to consider that the cultural background and preferences of its market continues to change. New markets in the country will eventually emerge. Considering the strict competition within the food service industry, McDonald’s should then implement new strategies so as to reach out to the new markets. Perhaps, one of the most significant initial steps for the company is constant conduction of consumer studies.Strategic recommendation Through this strategy, McDonald’s can be updated with the latest market trends and identify new market segments. Changes in food preferences can be obtained through consumer research. Furthermore, this strategy can significantly help in increasing the company’s market scope in the country. Another important strategy that McDonald’s should do so as to address emerging markets in Britain is through enhanced advertising and promotions. This can be done through the implementation of the integrated marketing (IMC) approach. McDonald’s employs a number of ways on how to promote its products in Britain. Aside from television commercials and printed advertisements, the company also uses the Internet and various promotional offers for advertising purposes. In order to optimize the functions of each promotional media, McDonald’s can use the IMC Strategy. IMC enables interactivity, which in turn allows the counter flow of information. Through IMC, companies in the food service industry, such as McDonald’s, will be able to combine core strategies with other forms of communication to gain more marketing advantages and generate better business effects. IMC is the strategic coordination of multiple communication voices. Its aim is to optimize the impact of persuasive communication on both consumer and non-consumer such as trade and professional audiences by coordinating such elements of the marketing mix as advertising, public relations, promotions, direct marketing, and package design (Moore and Thorson, 1996). While traditional means of marketing like advertising is one way in nature, the integrated marketing communication approach permits users to do several functions, including receiving and altering information or images, forward inquiries, respond to these questions, and the most important of all, make purchases (Moore and Thorson, 1996; Moore, 1993). One important aspect of this integrated approach is the resulting effect of a more enhanced means of brand building. In the case of internet marketing, integrated marketing communication will allow food service companies to maximize the use of the internet in building bands by incorporating other marketing means. The effect of which will lead to enhance product promotions and better net sales. The IMC approach has been beneficial to several companies as it helps in identifying the most useful and appropriate methods in communicating and establishing good customer relations, including good relationships with stakeholders like the employees, investors, suppliers interest groups and the public in general. During the 1990s, the introduction of the integrated marketing communications has been one of the most important developments in marketing, which continued on up to the present. From here on, the IMC approach is being applied by large and small companies alike, and has been well-known among companies marketing consumer goods and services, including business to business marketers. Using this strategy, McDonald’s may maximize the use of mass media, direct and online marketing. In order to maximize the purpose of the IMC strategy, the official website of McDonald’s may be enhanced and integrated as well. The internet have changed the ways companies create, design and implement their whole business and marketing plans as well as their programs for marketing communications. In order to promote their product lines, companies, from large multinational enterprises to small local companies, are developing certain web sites, complete with vital information that will help enhance customer relations or attract potential consumers. In terms of the promotional mix, the internet is a capable medium of doing more than just advertise. Through this medium, McDonald’s may offer other means of sales promotion through coupon, sweepstakes or contests online. Moreover, the internet may be used to perform, personal selling, public relations as direct marketing more efficiently and effectively. The official website of McDonald’s Britain is actually well-made and attractive. It offers complete product details along with product pictures, which serves as an effective marketing tool. As Britain’s are very particular about the ingredients used for their food, the website also discusses the different ingredients included for the products it produces. Other services offered by the food company like parties are also included. In this website, the food items offered by the company are described as delicious, healthy, hygienic and refreshing. In addition, these food items are always served with a â€Å"smile†, implying the company’s quality service (McDonalds Britain Official Website, 2005). With these major advertising elements, McDonald’s could use the same elements for its commercials, print ads and other promotion channels. By doing so, the company can create a more distinct and definite brand that the Britain market can easily remember. In this case, this is where the IMC approach comes in. The coordination of different media channels can then help in making a more established McDonald brand in Britain, resulting to higher market support, market growth and sales. In addition, McDonald also considered the use of cost leadership and product differentiation strategy which also allows the companies to enhance their products as well as develop new ones based on market demands and needs. By means of new product development, generation of ideas that are different and unique among competitors becomes possible. Thus, by means of new product development, industries are able to overcome cutthroat competition. Increasing the companies’ market coverage is yet another effect of developing new products for the customers like what McDonald’s have done with their British branches. Creating something that is unique to the market place increases the possibility of catching the interest of other potential consumers. This in turn increases the market coverage or diversifies the target market of the company. For McDonalds, people are its most important asset (McDonald, 2008). This is because customer satisfaction begins with the attitudes and abilities of employees and committed, effective workers are the best route to success. For these reasons, McDonalds strives to attract and hire the best, and to provide the best place to work. In fact, McDonalds is so active and successful in newly emerging markets that other companies will sometimes use the golden arches as a valuable indicator of future growth markets. Conclusion McDonald’s has been successful in operating within the food service industry through efficient strategies and quality standards which enables them to gain competitive advantage. As evidenced by its international market growth, McDonald’s has already been efficient in gaining entry even in the most challenging markets like Britain. Through its strong sense of quality service and customer satisfaction, McDonald’s was able to offer its products to the Britain market. Products were modified to suit the British taste and preferences; affordable prices were implemented; effective promotions and offers were done. These are some of the strategies involved in the company’s business strategy which allowed McDonald’s to gain the Britain support. Despite these successes, the company should take into consideration the growing level of competitiveness in the food service industry. In Britain, several foreign fast food chains offering similar products are also being supported by the Britain consumers. Constant strategic change is then necessary to ensure that the company would sustain their competitive advantage. In conclusion, McDonald’s has been successful because of the value the company gives for its customers. Hence, despite the controversial beginning of McDonald’s in Britain, the company managed to adapt to its people’s cultural needs. Indeed, McDonald’s is a learning organization, one that is willing to learn and open to change. Reference Arnold, David (2003). Strategies for Entering and Developing International Markets. In Mirage of Global Markets, The: How Globalizing Companies Can Succeed as Markets Localize. Financial Time Prentice Hall, 2003. Crouch, A. (2004). Fast-Food Business Strategy. The Raw Prawn Blog Howard, T. (1999). The Over-Arching Strategy-McDonald’s Global Brand Strategy Task Force. Brandweek, November 8, 1999 Livesey, S. (1999). McDonald’s and the Environmental Defense Fund: A Case Study of a Green Alliance. The Journal of Business Communication, Vol. 36 McDonald’s Corporation (2008). About McDonald’s/McDonald’s History (online). Available at: Retrieve April 28, 2008 McDonald’s Corporation UK (2008). Eat Smart/What’s On/Good News (online). Available at: Retrieve April 28, 2008 Moore, Jeri Esther Thorson (1996). Integrated Communication: Synergy of Persuasive. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Moore, Jeri (1993).. Building brands across markets: Cultural differences in brand relationships within the European Community. In D. Aaker A. Biel (Eds.), Brand equity and advertising. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Monday, August 19, 2019

creative short stories Essay examples -- essays research papers

MacBeth’s Transformation from "Brave Macbeth to "This dead Butcher" William Shakespeare's play "MacBeth" tells the story of Macbeth change from a brave general, to a vicious murderer. At the start of the play Macbeth is acknowledge by the king as a brave and honourable general, after he heard of Macbeth's great victory in the battlefield. He promotes Macbeth to Thane of Cawdor, which was still unknown by both Macbeth and Banquo when they came across the three weird sisters. "All Hail Macbeth, hail to thee Thane of Cawdor" (I:III:51) "All Hail Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter" (I:III:53) Macbeth was sceptical about these prophecies, however developed faith in them when Ross, following the king's orders titles him Thane of Cawdor. Macbeth does not let on to anyone about his ever-increasing desire to become king. "If chance will have me king, why chance will crown me." (I:III:154) Macbeth tells his lady about the prophecies and she is instantly enthusiastic about the prospect of Macbeth becoming king. "Great Glamis, Worthy Cawdor! Greater than both by the all-hail hereafter! Thy letters have transported me beyond this ignorant present and I feel now the future is an instant." (I:V:58) Macbeth's desire turns to an obsession and with...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Love Poison Essay -- Social Issues, Mistrust, Jealousy, Power

What is love? Love is a strong affection out of personal ties. Those who misunderstand and misuse it will have terrible consequences, and those who know the true meaning of it will have benefit from it. The example of misunderstand it will happen when one person mixes s/he’s own feeling with love, something terrible. For examples: jealousy, manipulate one and others, mistrust and desire for power. In the Macbeth by William Shakespeare, love has taken into a lot of different forms some are bad and some are good. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth ‘s desire toward the crowned is one example of misunderstand of love. Lady Macbeth manipulates her husband to kill King Duncan is another example of misunderstanding of love. Later on Lady Macbeth is suffers from nightmare because she misuses the concept of love. Macbeth is suffering from his own problem which is the death prophecy. In the other hand, Maduff and his family is the one that are using the love in a positive way. The love p rotection from Lady Macduff to her son, from her son protects his father, from Macduff to protect his family. Even thought, Macbeth has order to kill Macduff family, Macduff is still survives the suffering, he uses this as his power to revenge for his family. Macduff become the victor in the end, which is the example of those who use it wisely can be either benefit from it or have good feedback. The first time that indicates Macbeth misuse that love as the desire is right after he heard about what witches have said to him. Him lost in his desire, â€Å"My thought, whose murder yet is but fantastical, Shakes so my single state of man That function is smothered in surmise, And nothing is but what is not. ( Act 1, scene3, line 151-155).† At this moment he is alread... ...h’s head on his hand. He revenge for his son and his love, Lady Macduff and what he gain is a peaceful night with respect from others. He turned the anger into his power and blessed by his family. The one who knows how to use the love can benefit from it. Love is a lot of thing, sometimes love can show by kissing someone or just simply caring for someone. Sometimes people manipulate love into something else while thinking they are doing for the right reasons. Those who misunderstand and misuse it will have terrible consequences, and those who know the true meaning of it will have benefit from it. Those who does not use it properly will end up like Macbeth for losing s/he’s own mind. Those who use it property will end up something good, although during the process, there might be some obstacles, but as long as s/he can survive it, then it will all ends up good. Love Poison Essay -- Social Issues, Mistrust, Jealousy, Power What is love? Love is a strong affection out of personal ties. Those who misunderstand and misuse it will have terrible consequences, and those who know the true meaning of it will have benefit from it. The example of misunderstand it will happen when one person mixes s/he’s own feeling with love, something terrible. For examples: jealousy, manipulate one and others, mistrust and desire for power. In the Macbeth by William Shakespeare, love has taken into a lot of different forms some are bad and some are good. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth ‘s desire toward the crowned is one example of misunderstand of love. Lady Macbeth manipulates her husband to kill King Duncan is another example of misunderstanding of love. Later on Lady Macbeth is suffers from nightmare because she misuses the concept of love. Macbeth is suffering from his own problem which is the death prophecy. In the other hand, Maduff and his family is the one that are using the love in a positive way. The love p rotection from Lady Macduff to her son, from her son protects his father, from Macduff to protect his family. Even thought, Macbeth has order to kill Macduff family, Macduff is still survives the suffering, he uses this as his power to revenge for his family. Macduff become the victor in the end, which is the example of those who use it wisely can be either benefit from it or have good feedback. The first time that indicates Macbeth misuse that love as the desire is right after he heard about what witches have said to him. Him lost in his desire, â€Å"My thought, whose murder yet is but fantastical, Shakes so my single state of man That function is smothered in surmise, And nothing is but what is not. ( Act 1, scene3, line 151-155).† At this moment he is alread... ...h’s head on his hand. He revenge for his son and his love, Lady Macduff and what he gain is a peaceful night with respect from others. He turned the anger into his power and blessed by his family. The one who knows how to use the love can benefit from it. Love is a lot of thing, sometimes love can show by kissing someone or just simply caring for someone. Sometimes people manipulate love into something else while thinking they are doing for the right reasons. Those who misunderstand and misuse it will have terrible consequences, and those who know the true meaning of it will have benefit from it. Those who does not use it properly will end up like Macbeth for losing s/he’s own mind. Those who use it property will end up something good, although during the process, there might be some obstacles, but as long as s/he can survive it, then it will all ends up good.

Slang: My Social Dialect :: Essays Papers

Slang: My Social Dialect From the student: In Writing Studio 205, we focused on the rhetoric of discourse communities. For this particular assignment, we were asked to discuss a discourse community that we are a part of, and its effect on people outside of that community. I decided to use my experiences growing up in New York City as my focal point. In all my writings, I tend to reflect on my experiences to enrich and personalize texts. From the teacher: In her essay, Kimberlea begins by analyzing her social dialect but broadens her essay to address the larger implications of Black English in American culture. Her essay weaves narrative, analytical and argumentative elements; her conclusion ends with a flourish of manifesto. Overall, this essay is an exploration of the social context of language use, with close attention to the ways in which language use conveys messages about class, status, race and power. As a black woman, I must speak differently. I must be able to communicate with my peers and with those who I interact with on a regular basis. I must also be able to speak in the business world. I must know the right time to voice my opinion and the most effective way to do it. I must be powerful and dynamic in my speech and presence. Does that make me any less of a person? Does that mean that I am allowing myself to be homogenized by White America? Does that make me a sell-out? To some people that would make me a sell-out. They would say that I am leaving behind my language for something else. For something that is not mine. I think not. It makes me an intelligent woman who will not let the constraints of language hold me back. Yeah, that's right, I have a dialect. I have a social dialect that if used in the wrong place at the wrong time will immediately classify me as being an uneducated, black, "hip-hop talking bad girl." But there is more to me than that. I speak to reveal the id eas and notions in my head. I speak to you so that you can understand me, so that the conversation flows. I speak to my peers differently, so that they can understand me and feel comfortable around me. My social dialect is that of a young black woman. Not someone from the deep South or someone from Oakland, just someone from Brooklyn.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

About Martin Luther

Martin Luther I Have a Dream From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search This article is about the Martin Luther King Jr. speech. For other uses, see I Have a Dream (disambiguation). Martin Luther King, Jr. delivering â€Å"I Have a Dream† at the 1963 Washington D. C. Civil Rights March. | â€Å"I Have a Dream†Menu0:0030-second sample from â€Å"I Have a Dream† speech by Martin Luther King, Jr. | Problems listening to this file? See media help. | â€Å"I Have a Dream† is a public speech by American activist Martin Luther King, Jr.It was delivered by King on the afternoon of Wednesday, August 28, 1963, in which he called for an end to racism in the United States. The speech, delivered to over 250,000 civil rights supporters from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, was a defining moment of the American Civil Rights Movement. [1] Beginning with a reference to the Emancipation Proclamatio n, which freed millions of slaves in 1863,[2] King examines that â€Å"one hundred years later, the Negro still is not free. [3] At the end of the speech, King departed from his prepared text for a partly improvised peroration on the theme of â€Å"I have a dream†, possibly prompted by Mahalia Jackson's cry, â€Å"Tell them about the dream, Martin! â€Å"[4] In this part of the speech, which most excited the listeners and has now become the most famous, King described dreams of freedom and equality arising from a land of slavery and hatred. [5] The speech was ranked the top American speech of the 20th century by a 1999 poll of scholars of public address. [6] Contents * 1 Background * 1. Speech title and the writing process * 2 The speech * 2. 1 Similarities and allusions * 3 Responses * 4 Legacy * 5 Copyright dispute * 6 References * 7 External links| Background View from the Lincoln Memorial toward the Washington Monument on August 28, 1963 The location on the steps of th e Lincoln Memorial from which King delivered the speech is commemorated with this inscription. The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom was partly intended to demonstrate mass support for the civil rights legislation proposed by President Kennedy in June.King and other leaders therefore agreed to keep their speeches calm, and to avoid provoking the civil disobedience which had become the hallmark of the civil rights movement. King originally designed his speech as a homage to Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, timed to correspond with the 100-year centennial of the Emancipation Proclamation[5] Speech title and the writing process King had been preaching about dreams since 1960, when he gave a speech to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) called â€Å"The Negro and the American Dream†.This speech discusses the gap between the American dream and the American lived reality, saying that overt white supremacists have violated the dream, bu t also that â€Å"our federal government has also scarred the dream through its apathy and hypocricy, its betrayal of the cause of justice†. King suggests that â€Å"It may well be that the Negro is God’s instrument to save the soul of America. â€Å"[7][8] He had also delivered a â€Å"dream† speech in Detroit, in June 1963, when he marched on Woodward Avenue with Walter Reuther and the Reverend C. L. Franklin, and had rehearsed other parts. 9] The March on Washington Speech, known as â€Å"I Have a Dream Speech†, has been shown to have had several versions, written at several different times. [10] It has no single version draft, but is an amalgamation of several drafts, and was originally called â€Å"Normalcy, Never Again. † Little of this, and another â€Å"Normalcy Speech,† ends up in the final draft. A draft of â€Å"Normalcy, Never Again† is housed in the Morehouse College Martin Luther King, Jr. Collection of Robert W. Woodr uff Library of the Atlanta University Center and Morehouse College. [11] Our focus on â€Å"I have a dream,† comes through the speech's delivery.Toward the end of its delivery, noted African American gospel singer Mahalia Jackson shouted to Dr. King from the crowd, â€Å"Tell them about the dream, Martin. â€Å"[12] Dr. King stopped delivering his prepared speech and started â€Å"preaching†, punctuating his points with â€Å"I have a dream. † The speech was drafted with the assistance of Stanley Levison and Clarence Benjamin Jones[13] in Riverdale, New York City. Jones has said that â€Å"the logistical preparations for the march were so burdensome that the speech was not a priority for us† and that â€Å"on the evening of Tuesday, Aug. 7, [12 hours before the March] Martin still didn't know what he was going to say†. [14] Leading up to the speech's rendition at the Great March on Washington, King had delivered its â€Å"I have a dream† r efrains in his speech before 25,000 people in Detroit's Cobo Hall immediately after the 125,000-strong Great Walk to Freedom in Detroit, June 23, 1963. [15][16] After the Washington, D. C. March, a recording of King's Cobo Hall speech was released by Detroit's Gordy records as an LP entitled â€Å"The Great March To Freedom. â€Å"[17] The speechWidely hailed as a masterpiece of rhetoric, King's speech invokes the Declaration of Independence, the Emancipation Proclamation, and the United States Constitution. Early in his speech, King alludes to Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address by saying â€Å"Five score years ago†¦ † King says in reference to the abolition of slavery articulated in the Emancipation Proclamation, â€Å"It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of their captivity. † Anaphora, the repetition of a phrase at the beginning of sentences, is a rhetorical tool employed throughout the speech.An example of anaphora is found early as King urges his audience to seize the moment: â€Å"Now is the time†¦ † is repeated four times in the sixth paragraph. The most widely cited example of anaphora is found in the often quoted phrase â€Å"I have a dream†¦ † which is repeated eight times as King paints a picture of an integrated and unified America for his audience. Other occasions when King used anaphora include â€Å"One hundred years later,† â€Å"We can never be satisfied,† â€Å"With this faith,† â€Å"Let freedom ring,† and â€Å"free at last. King was the sixteenth out of eighteen people to speak that day, according to the official program. 18] According to U. S. Representative John Lewis, who also spoke that day as the president of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, â€Å"Dr. King had the power, the ability, and the capacity to transform those steps on the Lincoln Memorial into a monumental area that will forever be recognized. By speaking the way he did, h e educated, he inspired, he informed not just the people there, but people throughout America and unborn generations. â€Å"[19] The ideas in the speech reflect King's social experiences of the mistreatment of blacks.The speech draws upon appeals to America's myths as a nation founded to provide freedom and justice to all people, and then reinforces and transcends those secular mythologies by placing them within a spiritual context by arguing that racial justice is also in accord with God's will. Thus, the rhetoric of the speech provides redemption to America for its racial sins. [20] King describes the promises made by America as a â€Å"promissory note† on which America has defaulted. He says that â€Å"America has given the Negro people a bad check†, but that â€Å"we've come to cash this check† by marching in Washington, D. C.King's speech includes the line â€Å"I have a dream, that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today! â€Å"[21] Similarities and allusions Further information: Martin Luther King, Jr. authorship issues King's speech uses words and ideas from his own speeches and other texts. He had spoken about dreams, quoted from â€Å"My Country ‘Tis of Thee†, and of course referred extensively to the Bible, for years. The idea of constitutional rights as an â€Å"unfulfilled promise† was suggested by Clarence Jones. 7] The closing passage from King's speech partially resembles Archibald Carey, Jr. ‘s address to the 1952 Republican National Convention: both speeches end with a recitation of the first verse of Samuel Francis Smith's popular patriotic hymn â€Å"America† (My Country ’Tis of Thee), and the speeches share the name of one of several mountains from which both exhort â€Å"let freedom ring†. [7] King also is said to have built on Prathia Hall 's speech at the site of a burned-down church in Terrell County, Georgia in September 1962, in which she used the repeated phrase â€Å"I have a dream†. 22] It also alludes to Psalm 30:5[23] in the second stanza of the speech. King also quotes from Isaiah 40:4-5—†I have a dream that every valley shall be exalted†¦ â€Å"[24] Additionally, King alludes to the opening lines of Shakespeare's â€Å"Richard III† when he remarks, â€Å"this sweltering summer of the Negro's legitimate discontent will not pass until there is an invigorating autumn†¦ † Responses The speech was lauded in the days after the event, and was widely considered the high point of the March by contemporary observers. [25] James Reston, writing for the New York Times, said that â€Å"Dr.King touched all the themes of the day, only better than anybody else. He was full of the symbolism of Lincoln and Gandhi, and the cadences of the Bible. He was both militant and sad, and h e sent the crowd away feeling that the long journey had been worthwhile. †[7] Reston also noted that the event â€Å"was better covered by television and the press than any event here since President Kennedy's inauguration,† and opined that â€Å"it will be a long time before [Washington] forgets the melodious and melancholy voice of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. crying out his dreams to the multitude. [26] An article in the Boston Globe by Mary McGrory reported that King's speech â€Å"caught the mood† and â€Å"moved the crowd† of the day â€Å"as no other† speaker in the event. [27] Marquis Childs of The Washington Post wrote that King's speech â€Å"rose above mere oratory†. [28] An article in the Los Angeles Times commented that the â€Å"matchless eloquence† displayed by King, â€Å"a supreme orator† of â€Å"a type so rare as almost to be forgotten in our age,† put to shame the advocates of segregation by in spiring the â€Å"conscience of America† with the justice of the civil-rights cause. 29] The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) also noticed the speech, which provoked them to expand their COINTELPRO operation against the SCLC, and to target King specifically as a major enemy of the United States. [30] Two days after King delivered â€Å"I Have a Dream†, Agent William C. Sullivan, the head of COINTELPRO, wrote a memo about King's growing influence: In the light of King's powerful demagogic speech yesterday he stands head and shoulders above all other Negro leaders put together when it comes to influencing great masses of Negroes.We must mark him now, if we have not done so before, as the most dangerous Negro of the future in this Nation from the standpoint of communism, the Negro and national security. [31] The speech was a success for the Kennedy administration and for the liberal civil rights coalition that had planned the March on Washington. Some of the more rad ical Black leaders who were present condemned the speech (along with the rest of the march) as too compromising.Malcolm X later wrote in his Autobiography: â€Å"Who ever heard of angry revolutionaries swinging their bare feet together with their oppressor in lily pad pools, with gospels and guitars and ‘I have a dream' speeches? â€Å"[5] Legacy The March on Washington put pressure on the Kennedy administration to advance civil rights legislation in Congress. [32] The diaries of Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. , published posthumously in 2007, suggest that President Kennedy was concerned that if the march failed to attract large numbers of demonstrators, it might undermine his civil rights efforts.In the wake of the speech and march, King was named Man of the Year by TIME magazine for 1963, and in 1964, he was the youngest person ever awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. [33][3] In 2002, the Library of Congress honored the speech by adding it to the United States National Recording Re gistry. [34] In 2003, the National Park Service dedicated an inscribed marble pedestal to commemorate the location of King's speech at the Lincoln Memorial. [35] Copyright dispute Because King's speech was broadcast to a large radio and television audience, there was controversy about the copyright status of the speech.If the performance of the speech constituted â€Å"general publication†, it would have entered the public domain due to King's failure to register the speech with the Registrar of Copyrights. If the performance only constituted â€Å"limited publication†, however, King retained common law copyright. This led to a lawsuit, Estate of Martin Luther King, Jr. , Inc. v. CBS, Inc. , which established that the King estate does hold copyright over the speech and had standing to sue; the parties then settled.Unlicensed use of the speech or a part of it can still be lawful in some circumstances, especially in jurisdictions under doctrines such as fair use or fair dealing. Under the applicable copyright laws, the speech will remain under copyright in the United States until 70 years after King's death, thus until 2038. â€Å"Martin Luther King† and â€Å"MLK† redirect here. For other uses, see Martin Luther King (disambiguation) and MLK (disambiguation). Martin Luther King, Jr. | King in 1964| Born| Michael King, Jr. January 15, 1929 Atlanta, Georgia, U. S. | Died| April 4, 1968 (aged  39)Memphis, Tennessee, U. S. | Monuments| Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial| Nationality| American| Alma mater| Morehouse College (B. A. ) Crozer Theological Seminary (B. D. ) Boston University (Ph. D. )| Organization| Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)| Influenced  by| Jesus Christ, Abraham Lincoln, Reinhold Niebuhr, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Bayard Rustin, Howard Thurman, Paul Tillich, Leo Tolstoy| Political movement| African-American Civil Rights Movement, Peace movement| Religion| Baptist (Progressive National Baptist Convent ion)| Spouse(s)| Coretta Scott King (1953–1968)|Children| Yolanda Denise-King (1955–2007) Martin Luther King III (b. 1957) Dexter Scott King (b. 1961) Bernice Albertine King (b. 1963)| Parents| Martin Luther King, Sr. Alberta Williams King| Awards| Nobel Peace Prize (1964), Presidential Medal of Freedom (1977, posthumous), Congressional Gold Medal (2004, posthumous)| Signature| | Martin Luther King, Jr. (January 15, 1929  Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚  April 4, 1968) was an American clergyman, activist, and leader in the African-American Civil Rights Movement. He is best known for his role in the advancement of civil rights using nonviolent civil disobedience.King has become a national icon in the history of American progressivism. [1] A Baptist minister, King became a civil rights activist early in his career. He led the 1955 Montgomery Bus Boycott and helped found the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) in 1957, serving as its first president. With the SCLC, King led an u nsuccessful struggle against segregation in Albany, Georgia in 1962, and organized nonviolent protests in Birmingham, Alabama that attracted national attention following television news coverage of the brutal police response.King also helped to organize the 1963 March on Washington, where he delivered his â€Å"I Have a Dream† speech. There, he established his reputation as one of the greatest orators in American history. He also established his reputation as a radical, and became an object of the Federal Bureau of Investigation's COINTELPRO for the rest of his life. FBI agents investigated him for possible communist ties, recorded his extramarital liaisons and reported on them to government officials, and on one occasion, mailed King a threatening anonymous letter that he interpreted as an attempt to make him commit suicide.On October 14, 1964, King received the Nobel Peace Prize for combating racial inequality through nonviolence. In 1965, he and the SCLC helped to organize the Selma to Montgomery marches and the following year, he took the movement north to Chicago. In the final years of his life, King expanded his focus to include poverty and the Vietnam War, alienating many of his liberal allies with a 1967 speech titled â€Å"Beyond Vietnam†. King was planning a national occupation of Washington, D. C. , called the Poor People's Campaign. King was assassinated on April 4, 1968, in Memphis, Tennessee. His death was followed by riots in many U.S. cities. Allegations that James Earl Ray, the man convicted of killing King, had been framed or acted in concert with government agents persisted for decades after the shooting, and the jury of a 1999 civil trial found Loyd Jowers to be complicit in a conspiracy against King. King was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom and the Congressional Gold Medal. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day was established as a U. S. federal holiday in 1986. Hundreds of streets in the U. S. have been renamed in his honor. A memorial statue on the National Mall was opened to the public in 2011.